This season, I became an avid watcher of the Bachelor. I know that people have been obsessed with this show for years, but this is the first time I have really become engulfed in it. The reason I really started having an obsession was the gorgeous male specimen that was the Bachelor: Juan Pablo Galavis.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
So, we have established that he is very attractive. And that held my dying devotion for a while...but...that's about where his list of good qualities ends.
Let's face it Juan Pablo is a douche. In the end, it's rumored he picks Nikki over Crazy Clare, but it's also rumored that he chooses no one and is now with some girl named Mayra..someone not on the Bachelor. Just showing that Juan Pablo did the show for the "fame"...which is ending up not to be fame that is going to his favor.
In the end of all this, Juan Pablo is known for being a homophobic man, a sleaze ball, and just honestly really dumb.
That's Juan's biggest downfall...he has no intelligence. None. He says nothing but "It's okay." I understand that English isn't his first language, but that is not an excuse to be dumber than a sack of potatoes. Girls need someone who intellectually challenges them a bit (boys, take note.) This guy...there's nothing.
On all the dates, about the only thing that happens is making out. Go to dinner, make out. Play baseball, make out. Roll down a hill in a giant ball, make out in the ball. He didn't care if he got to know these girls. One of the only lines I can actually remember him saying is, "______ is a really good kisser." But he also wanted to set a good example for his daughter, ya know? So he couldn't make out with a girl...but then made out with every other girl. Think about how gross that is...if you're the last girl, you've swapped spit with every other girl that night too.
Juan uses SO MANY EXCUSES. English isn't his first language. He wants to set a good example for Camilla. But as a father, the only example you are setting for your daughter is in order for a man to fall in love with you, you will have to go on a game show with thirty other women. That's what you deserve, princess. This show (no matter how addictive) is not an organic way to find's completely artificial. As a father, you should prove to your daughter that she deserves all the attention in the world...not be split among a bunch of other thirsty girls.
He also places blame on everyone but himself. It was Clare's fault what happened in the ocean. If Andi had asked to stay (which clearly she would never have done), he just wouldn't have let her stay. He tries to play the victim in everything...take some responsibility. Aren't you supposed to be a man? But he's all about the "honesty"...
And let's be honest, people who go on this show have to be defective in their lives. Why would a man who looked like this be single if he was intelligent, deep, kind, etc? He wouldn't be. And if he wanted a relationship for that matter. It is very obvious to see he is not interested in a serious relationship. He would have tried to really get to know the girls more if that had been the case. I learned more about these girls by their bios and lines under their names than anything Juan Pablo uncovered.
While I am not "Team Andi" per say, (I don't really want her to be the next Bachelorette), she was completely right about everything she said about him. Some people say it was mean, but Juan Pablo has nothing we should feel sorry about. It really helped me see..."Wait, yeah, she's right...he hasn't said anything besides, 'It's okay.'" And to a man who talks about a date with another woman to you...that is not right in any sense of the word or idea. No...just no. Let's say you're kind of talking to this guy, and he tells you about how another girl stayed over, and they just had a grand old time. Ew...he clearly is lacking every brain cell a human may need. He even sent a girl home on her he didn't even try to find out if it was her birthday.
I think Juan Pablo just goes to show that looks are not everything...or anything. He has the looks of a god...but his personality is a joke. And it's good that TWO girls realized that and dumped him. Boys like this are just a waste of space in the world. Beautiful appearances and then hollowness inside.
Juan...if you had only kept going as strong on the inside as your physical facade seemed to show.
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