Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Identicals: Cats and Bad Boys

So this blog post came out of my little noggin.
I don't really know if any other person on this earth would be odd enough to concoct this theory besides myself.

And the name of the game is:
how cats and bad boys are almost the same thing.
The two are very similar and we chase them for the same reasons.
Now...hang with me, folks. It's actually probably the newest scientific discovery. 
It'll be in list format, so if you don't dig that, byeee. 

1. Both are very mysterious.
Bad boys: mysterious because they don't give you any hint at their thoughts.
Cats:mysterious because... what the heck are they doing ever.

2. Neither really wants to take pictures with you.
Bad boys: don't want to take a picture with you because their other girlfriends would see it.
Cats: just uncooperative jerks.

3. If it's a bad boy or a cat, either way, it ain't listening to you.
Bad boys: "do what they want."
Cats: also do what they want...I've had my cat for 7 years now and she still acts like she doesn't know her name. 

4. No matter how much you shower them with love, it's definitely not going to make them love you.
Bad boys: you can give them all the love and affection you want, but that does not mean he will ever want to marry you.
Cats: cats will only want to give you affection when you're really not feeling it. They have a sensor, they know. When you want to snuggle, they just run, scratch, bite. 

5. They might secretly enjoy the gifts you give them, but they'll never let you know.
Bad boy: a bad boy might be using you, so you should not be showering them with your gift giving abilities. 
Cat: Forget the gift...just give them the packaging.

6. They ignore you.
Bad boys: They will ignore your calls, texts, snapchats, Facebook messages, etc. without the bat of an eye.
Cats: As said earlier, they'll ignore their name. Ignore no. Ignore stop. Ignore ignore ignore. I guess the difference is that cats just do it straight to your face.

7. But you are absolutely expected to be there for them whenever they deem it.
Bad boys: Yes, they can do whatever they want. No, you may not. Bad boys have a way of controlling of your mind and actions.
Cats: When you want love, forget about it. When they want food, they won't let you forget about it.

8. You can't help but wanting them to love you.
Bad boys: It's the thrill of the chase. I don't know why as humans we do that to ourselves. We want what we can't have. Because a bad boy does not want what we want. But there's always the "what if." Yeah, that's not ever going to happen.
Cats: Again, the thrill of the chase. Maybe just maybe someday they'll do exactly what you want. But once again, not going to happen.
(this gif has absolutely nothing to do with anything...i just die every time I watch it.)

9. They might do one cute thing every six months, but that one cute thing makes everything worth it, right?
Bad boys: they brought you flowers they found in the garbage behind their drug house...that's so cute.
Cats: so stupid, they don't realize they did anything. And what they did probably wasn't all that cute, but of course it was!

10. They'll miss you when you're gone.
Bad boys: when they're 80 and alone, they'll realize you were the bomb diggity. "Baby, I was wrong."
Cats: even if they don't show it, cats miss you a ton when you leave them. Whether a day or months, they love you.

In the end, which is superior, a cat or a bad boy?
The cat for sure. Bad boys are just troubled souls afraid to grow up, afraid to commit. 
Cats are just innocent little critters. Also fuzzy and soft. 
So I mean...boys just started off with the shorter stick, but didn't make up for it.

Sorry, this was so heavily cat picture based. But I mean...I love the felines.
Thank you so much for reading!
Remember to send me ideas, thoughts, opinions, etc! An open book.
Twitter: @alannajean2013
Instagram: lanlanbaby
Facebook: Alanna Jean Hill

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Seven Skinnies on Being Skinny.

Skinny girl probs...
I'm not saying I'm super skinny..i know I'm not like the tiniest person alive.
I think I'm at a healthy weight, maybe go down like 5 pounds. 

But when you are on the skinnier side, it's not all the perks people act like it is.
So, I have decided to make this list (I love da lists.) about the downfalls of being thin.

This post was inspired by:
me and my life and my thoughts.

1. "Oh my gosh, shut up."

-the above face is the look people give skinny people when they say anything about body issues, and then likewise, the face skinny people give them when they say something about them saying something.
when you're skinny (girl), you actually become a different creature. One who is not allowed to think your thighs are too chunky, your tummy looks flabby, etc. Skinny girls are girls too, and will have body image issues just like you. Do not think the comment someone says has anything to do with you, it has to do with their own thoughts about themselves.  "Perfection is a disease of the nation"...duh.

2. "Oh my gosh, you're so skinny!"

the above statement might be better for someone who just lost a lost of weight. 300 to 150. when you say it to a skinny person, it seems like you're suggesting the above image. "So" skinny is more like an insult. If someone is skinny, it really doesn't need to be addressed. Would you go up to a heavy person and so, "You're so big!" Or a person with brunette hair, "Oh my goodness, you're hair is so brown!"
I don't know why our society feels the need to comment on everything about everyone's appearance.

3. "The No Tittay Commitay"

most skinny girls are "lacking" something deemed perfection by society. it's rare for you to be naturally skinny and have big bazoongas or a big ol' booty. Some people do...and those people are just not fair. 

4. "You aren't a 'real woman'."

I'm pretty sure anatomically a "real woman" has female genitalia. I think that should basically sum up that term...and even there..the lines are blurred. I want the folks who are skinny shaming girls to explain to me what it constitutes to be a "real woman." People say that being skinny means you can't bear children...huh. I don't think bearing children is a part of being a real woman: lots of women can't get pregnant. And it's just false besides that.
It is not wrong to be skinny. 

5. "Skinny people don't have cellulite..."

Bethany girl..i'm with you. People just think heavy people get cellulite. Cellulite is not due to has to do with fat cells and the skin layers. Doing the calculations, most every human is a candidate. Unless you are the Ghost of John (Have you seen the ghost of John...never mind.) So when someone says they're trying to get rid of their cellulite and they skinny, you be quiet, yo. 

6. "You really need to eat a cheeseburger or something. Can we get this girl a burger?"

Society has also made skinny girls to just take this...even though it's extremely offensive. When you say something like that, you are insinuating the person has anorexia. So the analogy just went skinny= anorexic. But skinny people are just supposed to smile and giggle and take it. K Let's not anymore. I would never tell someone that should lay off the burgers. So why would I tell someone they should lay on the burgers? Let's think, ya'll. If you rude, you rude.

7. "You wouldn't understand."

(I don't know...all I could come up with.)
Apparently being skinny means you can't be apart of some club. the club that other people make that to them is "everyone else." Skinny people just don't understand other people's body issues, because they don't have brains right? Body issues have less to do with your body, and more with your mind. So everyone with a brain (except boys...sorry, I don't know if you guys do get girls' issues) can understand appearance problems. 

So, my brain has kind of hit a road block I suppose...late at night. 
8 is late for some of us old folks.

I guess if you have any questions, contact me. 
Need moral support, a joke, I dunno. I'll find something.
Contact info:
Twitter: @alannajean2013
Instagram: lanlanbaby

if you haven't been able to tell...i love cats. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Advice for Fresh-mincemeat.

Happy weekend! Last weekend of high school basically for my lovelies at EGHS.
So with that...comes college. (Or perhaps you are going into the military, and thank you for your service.)

This post was inspired by:
My lovely little cousin, Alex McPhail.
She goes to school in Cedar Rapids, and will be a fellow Cyclone next year!

So with this post, comes advice for college.
It can be a rough terrain to navigate, especially when it's such a monstrous place like Iowa State.
So I have decided to make this list in a do/don't fashion.
Because some things you should do and some you shouldn't.

So here we goo...

do. Work hard in your classes.
-sure the parties may be fun for a while, but the reason you are at school is to get an education. Remember that.

don't. use a map...ever.
-some campuses are big, but that does not mean you should whip out your map. Take a day before classes and go exploring with your schedule. Or use Google Maps on your phone, it'll look like you're just texting or something.

do. find friends outside of your dorm.
-having friends on your floor is convenient, but you will not be around those people for that portion of time ever again. branch out and meet different people in different places.

don't. always dress like a slob.
-yeah, it's college, but that does not give you an excuse to always look homeless. Not only will you feel better about yourself if you have actual clothes and makeup on, but the first impression you give people will be better. College is your step before the real world, and you should look appropriately sometimes.

do. cry if you need to.
-college is a transition, and transitions can be hard. it's okay to feel overwhelmed by all that is new, and sometimes ya just gotta cry

don't. trust boys (or girls) too freely.
-not everyone you meet is going to be a good person. you don't know the people you're meeting and sometimes you can't gauge their true colors right away. proceed with caution, and don't throw your heart around too recklessly.

do. keep in touch with people from back home.
-even though you're at a brand new place with brand new people, chances are you will probably go back home. with college, you get the choice to keep in touch with people you want to and say a big ol' FU to those who made life icky.

don't. be afraid to do things alone.
-i don't know how to tell you this, but at the end of the day, you're all alone. being comfortable with being alone is a huge accomplishment. you don't have to rely on anyone to go to breakfast...go alone. because what's more embarrassing...eating alone or being afraid to do so?

do. realize that the "freshmen 15" is a very real thing.
-in high school, you were probably involved in at least one thing. and that one thing was better than nothing. you had pe. but in college, you have an all you can eat buffet at every meal, the option to go to the gym if you do or don't want, lots of high caloric alcoholic drinks're going to put on something. my jeans are a little snug/don't fit. make sure you watch what you eat, and go to the gym more often than I did. Also, don't fill your dorm room with loads of junk food.

don't. worry about being "popular."
-college is not a popularity might be to some people, but they have their priorities wrong. especially at a large university, maybe 300 people will know your name and about 30000 won't. so you're playing a losing game.

do. learn the bus routes.
-if you go to a large school, taking the bus is such a blessing. now, sometimes if it's nice, you should walk. but there will be 100 degree days and -30 degree days, and every single one of those days constitute taking the bus.

do. give everyone a fair chance.
-I know, there wasn't a don't between, but make sure you give everyone the benefit of the doubt. college is full of all different sorts of people, so don't judge a book by it's cover. but as said before, don't trust them until they have proven they deserve such.

don't. compare your college experience to anyone else's.
- everyone is going to have a different college experience, different goals, and if you are comparing your life to someone else's, how will yours be the best it can be?

So, I guess that's my advice! I probably have more, but I don't want to bombard ya'll.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me in any form!
Twitter: @alannajean2013
Instagram: lanlanbaby

Also, please please please, share with your friends, etc. Also give me ideas for future posts and I'll be sure to mention you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sketchy Techty.

This post is inspired by:
The video on Facebook about technology and how we are not in touch with reality. 

If you have not watched the video the link is right down below:

At first, I didn't think the video would really be worth while. 
But I was pleasantly really made me think about screens and technology is taking over our lives.
Especially the part about how kids being born today NEVER will have seen us without a cellphone. That will be a main part of how they remember us, and that is really sad. 
I never remember my mom being on her cell phone as a child...only her leaving it on the car and driving away. 

Also, technology is a mask. People become different people, act different ways. 
Technology is really the downfall of us all.

Below I have compiled a list things that would be harder without cell phones, computers, etc.

1. Being an ass hole. 
Without phones, people would not have the kahoonas to be mean. This typically goes for boys from my experience, but in high school, there was a lot of cyber bullying, etc. People would never say half the things they say without being behind the shield of their cell phone. 
So the phone, is like, the ultimate tool to just be a raging a-hole.

2. Ignoring people.

First of all, I think ignoring people is like the rudest thing a person can do. It's basically saying, you are not worth the air to breathe because I am just going to intentionally show you that I don't care. If there was not cell phones and we could only talk to people in person, you would not just stare at me and walk away. Cause that's basically what ignoring is. 
1 and 2 kind of go hand in hand. Doing number 1 does not always involve number 2, but doing number 2 always involves doing number 1.
And then there's the whole thing with read receipts.
Those things were intentionally made to show someone you ignored them.
Don't stoop to this level, people.

3. Being self conscious 

Social media subjects you to SO many people that without technology you would never see. Beauty gurus, minor celebrities, etc. It just gives you access to constantly compare yourself to all these random people, who aren't you, have no similarities to you, etc. If you can look at beautiful people and still know you're beautiful, go for it. But we just have to realize just because social media is there, does not mean we are not absolutely fantastic in our very own right.

4. Being anti social

Guilty as charged...when we see a person coming our way, conveniently, a "text message pops up." It's a really bad habit that is hard to break. A cell phone takes away the awkwardness that we create in our heads. It is not awkward to say hi...we have just created that concept in our mind. If we came from the 1950s and looked at us now, we would look like a buncha snot holes.

5. Finding places

Cell phones aren't all bad. They can help you find a random store in the middle of sixty tiny streets.
But we must remember, they make gps systems that don't include texting, Instagram, and Twitter....

6. Always feeling the need to talk

And when people don't respond, we freak out. Now if they are doing number 2, that's their issue. But what if they're busy, phone is broken..I don't know, in jail. And I am guilty of this too...if someone doesn't respond automatically, something is wrong. They're either mad, dead, or... let's see, married? Not sure. If all we had were home phones, then they just aren't home and couldn't answer our call. But now it's's a complete havoc on the human mind really.

7. Talk to your mom

Cell phones really allow me to access my mother whenever I need her. Without my phone, I might have to send her snail mail, and that is just not quick enough. She decided to give birth to me, so she should have known when she signed the contract of motherhood that involves talking to me whenever I deem it necessary.

8. Staying up to date with your old pals

Now this is a good concept, but with bad stipulations.
Because we also use Facebook, Instagram, etc to stay up to date with people we despise. and they do the same to us. So, it's a mixed thing. If only people could use social media to love and not judge...*sigh*

9. Finding viral videos

I am running low on ideas ya'll, i'm getting too excited for the Catfish premiere. 
But without Youtube and people posting videos on Facebook, how would I find videos of people falling off of things, inspirational videos, and cat videos?
I dunno either.
Shout out to little Marcel the Shell.

10. You finding my blog!

How would ya'll find my blog if I couldn't post it to Facebook? 
Thank you so much for reading, love you all. 
PLEASE, PLEASE, please...feel free to message me, follow me, share my blog.
And send me IDEAS for what you want me to write about, I am here to please.
If you don't feel comfortable messaging me directly, send an Ask question.

Facebook: Alanna Jean Hill
Twitter: @alannajean2013
Instagram: lanlanbaby

Much love. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

The "Finals" of the Year

As I sit in this hall eating Panda Express in between one final and the next, I'm stopping and thinking back on my first year of college. It has been very tumultuous, not always fun, but I will miss it dearly.

Next year, I won't be able to say "I don't know what's going on, but it's okay, I'm just a freshmen."
Next year, it will be "I'm a sophomore and I'm an idiot."

So that'll be awkward.

It's weird to think that we won't be the youngest little tikes on the playground anymore.
A new wave of fresh meat will come in; but in college, you'll never know.

Unless you show your ID on the orange route or try to get on the bus through the back doors.
(Don't do that.)

One of the things I am most sad about is leaving my little 208 Maple Forbes forever. That room and I have been through a lot of stuff.
Whether it be roommate problems, boy problems, Netflix marathons, nap time...

that room has been really good to me.
So I'm just trying to give him street cred.

(I just dropped fried rice all over my keyboard.)

The year has seen its fair share of boys.
The ending of a summer fling.
2 athletes.
1 Frat boy.
And guess what, in the end, the ATHLETES are nicer than the FART boys.
(hehe see what I did there.)
If you need reference, you can read the post about what that stink in' frat boy did to me)
And guess what, I didn't find love once.
Those fairy tales about finding your husband in college...yeah, not seeing it.

I made the choice to not go out and drink.
Sometimes I regret it, most the time I don't.
Life is so much too precious to spend it under the influence or risk getting in trouble that could change your whole life.
Coming from genes of alcoholism, I don't want to risk that either.
And then there's meeting boys at parties...but do I really want some guy who has had too many shots and won't remember me tomorrow? No I'll pass.
I hope to go out more next year, but this year was the path I chose to walk.

And then I guess there's the school aspect of college.
Changed my idea for a major almost every day, didn't get all A's.
And that's hard going from valedictorian to not perfect..but do I care?
People need to realize grades are not what make life.
When you go to your job interview, I PROMISE they won't ask you what your GPA was.
The real world isn't your Econ and Geology grade.
I studied one day for my midterms. WHO CARES PEOPLE.
take a chill pill...or ten. I sure I've made lifelong friends?
I think it'll is to be seen.
Friends in dorms are there because you're all there.
It's when you go your separate ways and if you remain friends that matters.

So now is the time to pass the freshmen torch from the Class of 2017 to the Class of 2018.
You will get lost, you will cry, you will miss your mom, you will get a bad test grade...but it'll be fine.
And even though I don't know about 5000 people in my grade, I'm sure they're cool with me doing this.
Good luck little muffins!

(Sorry I rushed this...people started coming into the building and it stressed me out. Thinking about Vlogging this summer, who knows?)

Twitter: alannajean23
Instagram: lanlanbaby
Facebook: Alanna Jean Hill