Saturday, May 10, 2014

Advice for Fresh-mincemeat.

Happy weekend! Last weekend of high school basically for my lovelies at EGHS.
So with that...comes college. (Or perhaps you are going into the military, and thank you for your service.)

This post was inspired by:
My lovely little cousin, Alex McPhail.
She goes to school in Cedar Rapids, and will be a fellow Cyclone next year!

So with this post, comes advice for college.
It can be a rough terrain to navigate, especially when it's such a monstrous place like Iowa State.
So I have decided to make this list in a do/don't fashion.
Because some things you should do and some you shouldn't.

So here we goo...

do. Work hard in your classes.
-sure the parties may be fun for a while, but the reason you are at school is to get an education. Remember that.

don't. use a map...ever.
-some campuses are big, but that does not mean you should whip out your map. Take a day before classes and go exploring with your schedule. Or use Google Maps on your phone, it'll look like you're just texting or something.

do. find friends outside of your dorm.
-having friends on your floor is convenient, but you will not be around those people for that portion of time ever again. branch out and meet different people in different places.

don't. always dress like a slob.
-yeah, it's college, but that does not give you an excuse to always look homeless. Not only will you feel better about yourself if you have actual clothes and makeup on, but the first impression you give people will be better. College is your step before the real world, and you should look appropriately sometimes.

do. cry if you need to.
-college is a transition, and transitions can be hard. it's okay to feel overwhelmed by all that is new, and sometimes ya just gotta cry

don't. trust boys (or girls) too freely.
-not everyone you meet is going to be a good person. you don't know the people you're meeting and sometimes you can't gauge their true colors right away. proceed with caution, and don't throw your heart around too recklessly.

do. keep in touch with people from back home.
-even though you're at a brand new place with brand new people, chances are you will probably go back home. with college, you get the choice to keep in touch with people you want to and say a big ol' FU to those who made life icky.

don't. be afraid to do things alone.
-i don't know how to tell you this, but at the end of the day, you're all alone. being comfortable with being alone is a huge accomplishment. you don't have to rely on anyone to go to breakfast...go alone. because what's more embarrassing...eating alone or being afraid to do so?

do. realize that the "freshmen 15" is a very real thing.
-in high school, you were probably involved in at least one thing. and that one thing was better than nothing. you had pe. but in college, you have an all you can eat buffet at every meal, the option to go to the gym if you do or don't want, lots of high caloric alcoholic drinks're going to put on something. my jeans are a little snug/don't fit. make sure you watch what you eat, and go to the gym more often than I did. Also, don't fill your dorm room with loads of junk food.

don't. worry about being "popular."
-college is not a popularity might be to some people, but they have their priorities wrong. especially at a large university, maybe 300 people will know your name and about 30000 won't. so you're playing a losing game.

do. learn the bus routes.
-if you go to a large school, taking the bus is such a blessing. now, sometimes if it's nice, you should walk. but there will be 100 degree days and -30 degree days, and every single one of those days constitute taking the bus.

do. give everyone a fair chance.
-I know, there wasn't a don't between, but make sure you give everyone the benefit of the doubt. college is full of all different sorts of people, so don't judge a book by it's cover. but as said before, don't trust them until they have proven they deserve such.

don't. compare your college experience to anyone else's.
- everyone is going to have a different college experience, different goals, and if you are comparing your life to someone else's, how will yours be the best it can be?

So, I guess that's my advice! I probably have more, but I don't want to bombard ya'll.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me in any form!
Twitter: @alannajean2013
Instagram: lanlanbaby

Also, please please please, share with your friends, etc. Also give me ideas for future posts and I'll be sure to mention you.

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