This post is inspired by:
The video on Facebook about technology and how we are not in touch with reality.
If you have not watched the video the link is right down below:
At first, I didn't think the video would really be worth while.
But I was pleasantly really made me think about screens and technology is taking over our lives.
Especially the part about how kids being born today NEVER will have seen us without a cellphone. That will be a main part of how they remember us, and that is really sad.
I never remember my mom being on her cell phone as a child...only her leaving it on the car and driving away.
Also, technology is a mask. People become different people, act different ways.
Technology is really the downfall of us all.
Below I have compiled a list things that would be harder without cell phones, computers, etc.
1. Being an ass hole.
Without phones, people would not have the kahoonas to be mean. This typically goes for boys from my experience, but in high school, there was a lot of cyber bullying, etc. People would never say half the things they say without being behind the shield of their cell phone.
So the phone, is like, the ultimate tool to just be a raging a-hole.
2. Ignoring people.
First of all, I think ignoring people is like the rudest thing a person can do. It's basically saying, you are not worth the air to breathe because I am just going to intentionally show you that I don't care. If there was not cell phones and we could only talk to people in person, you would not just stare at me and walk away. Cause that's basically what ignoring is.
1 and 2 kind of go hand in hand. Doing number 1 does not always involve number 2, but doing number 2 always involves doing number 1.
And then there's the whole thing with read receipts.
Those things were intentionally made to show someone you ignored them.
Don't stoop to this level, people.
3. Being self conscious
Social media subjects you to SO many people that without technology you would never see. Beauty gurus, minor celebrities, etc. It just gives you access to constantly compare yourself to all these random people, who aren't you, have no similarities to you, etc. If you can look at beautiful people and still know you're beautiful, go for it. But we just have to realize just because social media is there, does not mean we are not absolutely fantastic in our very own right.
4. Being anti social
Guilty as charged...when we see a person coming our way, conveniently, a "text message pops up." It's a really bad habit that is hard to break. A cell phone takes away the awkwardness that we create in our heads. It is not awkward to say hi...we have just created that concept in our mind. If we came from the 1950s and looked at us now, we would look like a buncha snot holes.
5. Finding places
Cell phones aren't all bad. They can help you find a random store in the middle of sixty tiny streets.
But we must remember, they make gps systems that don't include texting, Instagram, and Twitter....
6. Always feeling the need to talk
And when people don't respond, we freak out. Now if they are doing number 2, that's their issue. But what if they're busy, phone is broken..I don't know, in jail. And I am guilty of this too...if someone doesn't respond automatically, something is wrong. They're either mad, dead, or... let's see, married? Not sure. If all we had were home phones, then they just aren't home and couldn't answer our call. But now it's's a complete havoc on the human mind really.
7. Talk to your mom
Cell phones really allow me to access my mother whenever I need her. Without my phone, I might have to send her snail mail, and that is just not quick enough. She decided to give birth to me, so she should have known when she signed the contract of motherhood that involves talking to me whenever I deem it necessary.
8. Staying up to date with your old pals
Now this is a good concept, but with bad stipulations.
Because we also use Facebook, Instagram, etc to stay up to date with people we despise. and they do the same to us. So, it's a mixed thing. If only people could use social media to love and not judge...*sigh*
9. Finding viral videos
I am running low on ideas ya'll, i'm getting too excited for the Catfish premiere.
But without Youtube and people posting videos on Facebook, how would I find videos of people falling off of things, inspirational videos, and cat videos?
I dunno either.
Shout out to little Marcel the Shell.
10. You finding my blog!
How would ya'll find my blog if I couldn't post it to Facebook?
Thank you so much for reading, love you all.
PLEASE, PLEASE, please...feel free to message me, follow me, share my blog.
And send me IDEAS for what you want me to write about, I am here to please.
If you don't feel comfortable messaging me directly, send an Ask question.
Facebook: Alanna Jean Hill
Twitter: @alannajean2013
Instagram: lanlanbaby
Much love.
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