Monday, June 30, 2014

The 5 Levels of B!tćhÿ Resting Face

Lately, I feel like the b!tchy resting face is all the rage on the internet. 
I guess I didn't even realize it was a thing...I think I'm probably a 3...people always ask me "what's wrong?"

But I don't think it's just one face...not every b face is the same. 
I think there are levels of intensity.
And you might be the nicest person but have the meanest's just the way God made ya.
But it can get annoying always being asked what's wrong..cause nothing is wrong.

Level 1: Miss Happy Pants
The only reason you made this list is because you have a face.
You might look upset if someone told you Christmas isn't the most wonderful time or April 25th isn't the perfect date. 
You're like you see her mean mugging?
Oh heck no. 
You're happy all the time. Or at least look like it.
One time I saw this girl on campus, and she was just walking alone.
I don't know if she was just so extremely happy or was forcibly making herself smile.
Either way, an ear to ear grin.
So even when she's resting, there wasn't no b word face going on.

Level 2: Blank Stare
The lights are on but it's questionable if anyone is home.
This can be intimidating because people can't really tell what you're thinking?
Happy? Sad? Mad? Excited?
You also might have the same expression for any of those feelings.

You're just hard to read. 
But maybe that's a good thing.
People also might mistake you for an airhead, but we know that's not true.

Level 3: Da Sad Face
I think this is where I fit in.
I started talking to this kid after he asked me what was wrong and that I didn't need to be sad on the bus. 
No, nothing is wrong. I guess I just have a sad face. 
I think I have a very youthful face/features, so maybe that has to do with it?
I don't know. I think the best response is: 
"My dog Nike just died. He wasn't just a dog!"

Level 4: The Usual Resting B Face
This is the face that has made worldwide headlines.
This is the face that has been coined the resting bitchy face.
This is the "mean mug."
You look mad...I think this level actually has different severities.
Some people's look "stuck up", some look "mad", "disgusted" and some just look scary mean.
I can think of one girl who honestly scares me by her resting face...she's nice, but she's intimidating.

I think of this as disgusted:

But she could be tickled pink.

People also might think you look like an ice queen. But that's bad on their part, not yours.
What's worse...preconceived notions or a face?

Level 5: You're just a...
you know...similar to one, this number exists simply because you have a face.
You have a b face, because you are a b.
Can't hide what you know.
You need to downgrade to a level 4...then it's just your face and not your personality.
There still is hope for you...someday maybe you won't be one and just have a face like one.
Maybe you need to join worked for Regina George.

Now assess the options and place yourself.
If you're a 1: Good for you. Just thinking about you makes me want to eat cotton candy and dream of lollipops and gumdrops.
If you're a 2: Maybe just spice up your face a little bit. It'll really throw people for a loop.
If you're a 3: I feel your pain. Either try to make your face more happy? or really take it to the next level, and whenever anyone asks you, burst into tears. I bet they won't ever ask again.
If you're a 4: Feel proud you fit the typical mold of the resting bitch face. Wave your flag high.
If you're a 5: Change your sass, giiiirl.

As long as you're not a 5, don't ever feel the need to explain your face.
You don't have to explain why the sky is blue, why you like pizza, so you shouldn't have to apologize for your God given face.


Sunday, June 29, 2014

An Unsuccessful Society: Selfishness and Insecurity

In this day and age, supporting one another and helping "friends" succeed should be the easiest thing in the world.
We update each other 24/7 about what we do, what we're trying to accomplish.
All we really have to do is push the like button, the share button, or send a simple message saying "I think what you're doing is great," or "I hope that goes well for you."
But no, as a society, we don't want that for other people.
We could not be bothered to do any of the above. 
But why?
Sure, we're a lazy society, but how much energy does it take to push a thumbs up?

No, it doesn't have to do with laziness, it has to do with self-confidence issues.
What would it hurt to support someone else if we're confident with ourselves?
Trick question, because it wouldn't. 
We should support whatever people are trying to do, because society as a whole would be better off if everyone was more successful...and happy.
People will be happy if they see people support what they do.
But more times, we're questioning our "friends", because really, it seems they don't want us to succeed.

A major thing I think folks these days should look for in confidants is:
Because these days, it's hard to find.
Your friends should help you, promote you, want the best for you.
And I don't think most people do. 
I have very few friends who I think really support me.
Don't mock what I do, tell me you think it's cool.
Even if you don't, because maybe it isn't cool to you. But I'm your friend, and I do think it's cool.

I saw this photo on the Humans of New York Facebook page.

"I'm sure I'd be less jealous if I was more confident."
I think this statement really captures the fault in our society.
I can't support you, because I'm not confident enough to support myself.
I think this holds true for half of the people in the world.

I think the other half is pure selfishness. 
"I can't support you, and potentially fuel part of your success, because that would leave less attention and success for myself."
Which is so, so sad.
Someone once said to about me (I told myself I wouldn't write about this, but I've gotsta),
"Why don't you blog about it?"
So incredibly rude and just shows what I'm talking about.
It shows a dig at something I do that not everyone does, that doesn't affect you at all.
It's meant to mock something I enjoy doing, and that people have told me as helped them.
I'm sorry I'm doing something that isn't the usual. But I enjoy it.
So, leave me alone.

People are poisonous, I'll use my blog as an example, just because it's something I know.
People will come up to me, "I read your blog."
I appreciate you telling me that, and for reading it, but why not like, share, whatever it?
Almost no one likes my blog posts, but then tells me they liked it.
And sometimes I just feel defeated, I supposedly have all these "friends", yet no one seems to care what I'm doing.
My "friends" don't like my pictures on Instagram, even if I like all of theirs.
You don't have to support me, but don't expect me to support you or even keep your "friendship."

And it's not just my blog.
It's someone's anything.
Pursuing a modeling, singing, athletic career.
These things are huge odds, but we should support people no matter what, because that's what good people do.
Starting a business, changing your personal style, becoming who you're meant to be.
Plain and simple: good people spread "good vibes" (sorry, that is so not my saying, I do see it places and it fits real well), support, and love. 
We have to move on from our own insecurity and selfishness, and support our acquaintance, neighbors, and especially friends. 
Cause that's what friends are for, right?

This post isn't supposed to just say "You're doing something wrong."
You are, but I am too. I just really encourage everyone to promote everyone's success and livelihood. 
Like your friend's business, share your friend's event, etc. It's that easy.
Technology should have made promotion easier, not more snobby.
Support those you care about, or just say hey, I think what you're doing is really neat, even if it's a complete stranger!


Thanks guys! It's just something I think the world is not really addressing.
People are selfish, the actions we have to take are not hard.
Another thing I saw today that I thought was really cool was this little link right here:
From Always, shames using "like a girl" as an insult.
#Likeagirl...the least we can do is promote and not demote someone's basic biological sex.

Thank you for reading, I hope ya'll enjoyed!
Like, share, message me, whatever.
Twitter: @alannajean2013
Instagram: lanlanbaby

Also, this was supposed to be my Youtube Channel cover, but Youtube is winning in the smart struggle right now. Thank you for the (very) few who support me in what I do. You're my heart.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Life Lessons from Lan.

My gawd...has it really been three weeks since the last time I wrote a blog post here.
Yikes...been so busy I guess! Online classes, graduations, weddings, babysitting...I thought summer was supposed to be down time, but that's fine.

But anyhoo....
this summer I think has really been a summer of personal growth for me.

For many reasons.

First off, I'm starting to see where my life is heading. 

High school is great, but that's not who you are. The latest thing at my ex high school is a page telling people's "hook ups." I'm so glad I am past that part in my glad. To the people running that page, encouraging that page, where is your life heading? The drama and no class express. Because even if you aren't the one participating, just following the account gives them ammunition. Open your eyes, kids. 

In high school, I talked behind people's backs SO MUCH. And now, I just don't know how I did it. I mean, I'm a girl, I gossip here and there, but I really have learned that redirecting the conversation is much better. Don't have any words pinned to you that you don't want pinned there. If your life was a Pinterest board, you would want cuddles and happiness pinned there, not hate. 

College teaches you some things in life just aren't acceptable. Saying "that's so gay"...yeah, you can't do that. Or "retarded." Or anything remotely offensive. And honestly, life is so much better without it. Those words aren't needed, required, feel good words, so why use them?

I realize you have to live your life with a purpose. If you are using those words, talking about this person, promoting a harassing account, your purpose must be to hurt as many people in life as possible. To throw as much poison into the atmosphere as possible. You can't contradict yourself. "I really believe in Jesus Christ and all he has done for me." Then show that...that's not doing the things above. It's not getting drunk every weekend. It's showing whatever it is your life purpose is. Live for Christ, be kind, whatever. Actions speak louder than words. 

I have realized that life doesn't always have a direct path. I switched my major in my mind every day, but I think I'm at a good place. And if I'm not, guess what I can switch it again. There is no right and wrong when it comes to what you're going to do with your life. Unless it's dealing meth or being a pimp...that's questionable.

One of the HUGE things I have realized this summer is that I don't need no man. I will be the first one to admit I could be clingy, I could be this, I could be that. But it's solely because I felt like I NEEDED those relationships. All I've learned is that most of those relationships are poison. But ever since I was young, I felt like I needed that approval from boys. I don't need their approval because I am giving myself my own stamp of approval.

This kid messaged me after a year, only to ignore me again. Boys make no sense. And I don't need them. I feel comfortable not texting someone 23 out of the 24 hours in a day. When the right person comes around, they'll come around.

I guess, the path of this post is kind of like life. Kind of random, but not right or wrong. I just want to encourage people to really think about their actions, to understand themselves, and not need approval. That isn't too much to ask, right? 

Thanks for reading, ya'll! Please be sure to like, share, follow, etc etc. 

Twitter: @alannajean2013
Instagram: lanlanbaby
Tumblr: preciouslylan

Love always, Lan. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

What's the Difference Between CA Chrome and Miss #2?

Alanna Hill, 19, Eagle Grove, IOWA!

Oh sorry, I was practicing my Miss USA introduction.
Considering I'm writing this watching Miss USA 2014...wouldn't miss it.
This post was originally inspired by another high stakes event but it can also go with this.
It was originally about my precious California Chrome in the Belmont Stakes...
team California Chrome all the way.

But it's all about moving on in life.
We all know that Chrome didn't get his triple crown.
and we all know only one of these 51 women will be Miss USA.

So trivia question...What's the difference between California Chrome and the girl who gets first runner up in this pageant?
A: California Chrome is going to move on with his life, while Miss #2 is going to spend the rest of her life wondering, "what if?" 

California Chrome don't care that he got fifth in the Belmont Stakes when people bet 4/5 that he would win. Yeah, that horse does not give two fashizzles. 
He did not wake up this morning and kick himself.
He moved on with his life, did his horse stuff, and lived life.
And that's what he's going to do for the rest of his life.
CA Chrome doesn't realize the stakes of races, therefore he doesn't care.
It's just something he does.
The man of the hour.

Humans on the other hand...
we always think about the ifs.
And it's hard to move past.
What if... my senior track season hadn't been such a shiz show. 
What if...I hadn't dated such a douche fly.
What if...I hadn't been called 1st runner up but Miss USA.

Miss #2 will wake up tomorrow and wonder:
Was my makeup good enough?
Did I lose enough weight?
Were my boobs perky enough?
Was my dress the most bomb diggity?
Did I have flyaways?

We dwell so much on what isn't changeable. It's hard to let go of something you really ponder on. 
But what good does it do?
Just poisons our spirit and present. 
We can't go back, so why is our mind back there?
It sucks of course that whatever that didn't go right didn't go right.
But it ain't changing so let's just move on.

Take a breathe. Say goodbye to it.
We just gotta be like CA Chrome and keep doing our horse things. 
Life is moving too fast to be ripped backwards.
Just live each day like it's the best days, frands. 
My girl, Bunny. "Sassy, Sassy Sassy, So Sassy, Sassy Sassy."
Let's see...this blog post seems kind of short.
Maybe slightly random, but I am distracted.
Miss Iowa made it to the Top 20.

Make sure you share please! 
Love reaching people I don't know. 

Instagram: lanlanbaby
Twitter: @alannajean2013
Tumblr: preciouslylan
Pinterest: livelovelanna

Whew, that's all. Love you all.